A message from Bob Gray

Worthy Brothers All,
Please see the note below from our brother, Bob Gray. Please keep him and his family in your prayers as they embark on this next phase of their lives.

Good luck Bob, and God bless. You will be missed by all! You have been a great asset and example to our Council, our Assembly, and our Parish family.

Fellow Knights and Brothers,
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of my fellow Knights for accepting me as your Brother in Christ for the past three years. As many of you know, I have been in a battle with cancer for the past 3 years and also been living here alone in Wake Forest. My job caused me to have to move here 4 years ago, but family conditions caused my wife, Judy, to have to move back to Louisville shortly after moving here.

I have sold our home here in Wake Forest and Judy and I have bought a house in Louisville. We are moving this Saturday, May 7th. I am excited about moving back to be with my family. I anticipate another surgery this Fall and I will be with my family where I can get the support I will need during the recovery phase.

I regret that because of my extensive work travel, I have not been able to attend most of the meetings. Please accept my apology for not being there and participating in the activities. I appreciate being able to join the Knights and advancing through the Forth Degree while living here in Wake Forest. I have been Blessed with new friends through the Knights while living here and it made my time here a wonderful experience. I will take this experience with me to Louisville, where I plan to become involved with the Knights there.

May God Bless each and every one of you.

Bob Gray

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