Honor Guard request

Worthy Sir Knights,

Our brother, Bruce Willis, passed away this week. Not only was he a brother Knight from Our Lady of the Rosary Council in Louisburg, and the Henderson Assembly, but he was also the father or Korri Eason who is the wife of our brother Ernest Eason.

The family has requested an Honor Guard for the funeral which will be held at Our Lady of the Rosary in Louisburg on October 29th. The exact time has not yet been released, but I would hope you can all keep the date open. I am working with the FN and the CCC at the Henderson assembly to provide a robust Honor Guard to pay our respects. I will forward updates as they become available.

Remember, if you don’t have Regalia, it is always acceptable to attend in Tux & Social Baldric to pay your respects.

Fraternally yours in Christ,

SK-Matthew J Stein PFN, PGK, DW
Faithful Purser/CCC
Fr. John G Parish Assembly #3510
Wake Forest NC

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