Members with Regalia

Sir Knights,

Vivat Jesus!

Andy and I are refreshing the membership database since it is dues season. Below are those that we have in the system as "have regalia". Please let me know if you need to be put on or taken off the list!

First Name Last Name
David Aldrich
Donald Brown
Edwin Gary
Vincent Govan
Andrew Kotynski
Anthony Morano
Anthony Nacional
Michael Palczuk
Michael Pughes
William Spendley
Gary Scarzafava
Matthew Stein
Keith Wollersheim

Also, thanks to those who’ve paid your dues, but there are still about half that are outstanding. Remember our dues period for the Assembly is offset to match the calendar year and they are due Jan 1 of each year. You can send a check, come to a meeting and we can take Paypal or go to the Assembly web page and pay your dues there ( It’s our only current source of income aside from donations.

Thank you gentlemen and God Bless.

Fraternally yours in Christ,

SK-Matthew J Stein PFN, PGK, DW
Faithful Purser/CCC
Fr. John G Parish Assembly #3510
Wake Forest NC

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