Wake Forest Christmas Parade

Sir Knights.

We’ve been invited to march with Council 11234 in the Wake Forest Christmas Parade in Regalia. My co CCC Mike Pughes and I will be there. Anyone else like to march with us!? Please let me know and I’ll forward details as they come in. Parade is next Saturday December 8th.

Time is growing short to wear our beloved regalia, so please consider joining us. For those who’ve never marched a parade in regalia before, I’ll tell you the response you get from the crowd and the extraordinary feeling of the true meaning of Christmas are exceedingly worth the time!!!!

Vivat Jesus!

Fraternally yours in Christ,

SK-Matthew J Stein PFN, PGK, FDD

Faithful Purser/CCC

Fr. John G Parish Assembly #3510

Wake Forest NC

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