
Dues Payment Options

The dues for our Assembly for the Fiscal Year (January 1 through December 31) are $25.00.
They can be paid using one of the following options:

  1. Pay $25.00 by cash, credit card or check at our monthly Assembly meeting (normally 4th Thursday of each month).
  2. Mail a check for $25.00 made out to “Knights of Columbus Assembly #3510” to our Faithful Comptroller Andrew Kotynski at 713 Naxos Drive, Wake Forest, NC 27587.
  3. Pay via PayPal using the “Pay Now” button below. We have a secure PayPal account for the Knights of Columbus Assembly #3510. You do not need to join PayPal to use it for payments. There is an option on the right side of the screen to pay with a debit or credit card. If you already have a PayPal account, just log in when the payment screen appears.

Assembly Dues for Current FY