
Worthy Sir Knights,

GK Mike Potochnik has requested an Honor Guard for the Annual Memorial Mass required in the bylaws for Council 11234. This blessed event is slated for Sunday November 18th at the 8am Mass. Please arrive by 7:15 am to dress in the bridal suite and for briefing.

I expect we can have a robust turnout for our home parish, and our first opportunity to show Fr. Bill-John how his Knights support our Clergy!!

Please also remember while gathering in the Narthex, the Rosary will be going on and sound travels very well in our church which is disruptive to the faithful praying. Thanks in advance for your prudence in conversation.

Please RSVP if you will participate in the Honor Guard. As always, if you have any questions, please let me know!

Vivat Jesus!

Fraternally yours in Christ,

SK-Matthew J Stein PFN, PGK, DD8

Faithful Purser/CCC

Fr. John G Parish Assembly #3510

Wake Forest NC

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